Also, Grandma now has a new computer, thanks to Amanda and Ryan. Bigger screen, faster processor, faster modem -- very nice! Her old one will be shipped to the Smithsonian for their "How Did We Ever Manage?" display.
Teghan, you look adorable in your shades. What a cutie!
When I'm on the computer I mostly ________________?
I don't know, we might've used some of those, but sure. Well I better go!
Thanks for the "Who Am I" ideas. I've already started working on it. (This will be our 8th one!) And about the picture, Lindsey, I think you need to hit the "Reload" button! The new picture I put on the recent photos page and the pets page definitely came from you! :-) --Gary
Cocoa and Nicky
Happy Birthday Erika!!!
Happy Birthday, Erika!!
Happy Birthday, Erika!!!
Dad and Mom
Happy 10th Birthday Erika :)
Lindsey, I went back and read the "Who Am I" page and there are a few things I would change too. We should play it again.
I'll start kicking some ideas around! --Gary
Creepy picture of the twins. What is that thing on the left, er, I mean the right?
It's called "Popping Martian" (or "Martian Popper"). It's one of those executive stress toys; you can find them in novelty shops, etc. --Gary
A new photo from Lindsey!
The Hatgidakis Family
I was just going over the whole "Who Am I" things and as I read it, a lot of it has changed for me! Kind of interesting to go back and see what some people put and if you would still agree with what you put.
Hello everyone! Sorry we haven't been on lately, we haven't had our computer for about a week. Somebody had to come out and said we had so many viruses on it he had to take the computer with him and he cleaned it all up and it's back to normal and he just brought it back this morning and it is going 20 times faster than it was before. Nice kitchens Amanda and Karen and what a coincidence we are re-doing ours as well. We got new countertop and wallpaper and border and a new rug and everything and it looks really good. I will try and get some pictures of it. Been pretty busy with Dance and School. I'm not sure how many days but I will put it on the countdown. Ok, well I gotta go, bye!
Amanda and Ryan -- the kitchen looks great! I really like how you did the border -- very nice. The best part of the whole kitchen is the bunny picture on the fridge :) Have fun with the Metcalfs!!
Another finished project!
The Garden? As in the Garden Cafe? What Garden, where? I'm confused, I can't picture a Garden restaurant.
Yup, the Garden Cafe at 70th & A, in that little Clocktower mall across from East High. Locked, empty, and gone! Great breakfast/brunch place, with one of the best bakeries in town. Dang! --Gary

Phase Two of Grandma's eye surgery happened yesterday, and with her follow-up appointment this morning, she passed with flying colors. She had quite a bit of pain with it last night, but it turns out to have had nothing to do with the procedure -- it was a slightly mis-applied eyepatch. It has been a fatiguing two days, and I think she is taking a nap as I write this (10:30 am), but the bottom-line news is good!
The only bad news of the morning was when we stopped at the Garden for breakfast after the appointment. It was closed, for good, as of today! Seems like I always had to wait in line to get into the place, but in spite of that apparently business was slow. What a surprise to see that place locked up. I blame George Bush.
I just looked on the weather page and right now everyone NORTH of us is WARMER than us! Lincoln is at 70(?) and we are at 58! That's a first. We are rainy and dreary, I love it, we haven't had any of that in awhile, we need it.
Karen's kitchen looks beautiful! Nice job. You and the Metcalf's are inspiring me to get into a project, you both did really well! Ryan's creative use of Easter eggs could only be matched by the Easter Bunny himself.
And Ryan has some story about the Vice-Grips. His Grandpa Metcalf had something to do with them. He made tools is about all I know, and was the mayor of some town... I'll have Ryan remind me of the Vice-Grip story.
The cool site from the other day, Made in Nebraska, has Sean's work, TMCO in it. Talking about the walking sprinkler!
Thanks for the kitchen compliments -- we love the kitchen. Mostly it's just nice to have it done and clean again. We've had the shutters for at least 8 years now. I've always liked the look of indoor shutters. Thought you might like to see what we were having for our Easter dinner.
That picture of Ryan is creepy -- looks like more than just "sugar" high......
Karen, your kitchen looks great!
Ryan, you've never looked better.
Karen, your kitchen looks GREAT! I love it! And how professional to have baked goods cooling in the photos! :) I really like your shutters in the kitchen, I never noticed them before, they go perfect with this new decor. How do you guys like the finished product? Pictures will be on the way soon of ours, we are cleaning house right now (for the first time in forever since we started our home improvements) before Ryan's family comes Friday, so we haven't done much else.
New photos! Easter in Texas, and a finished project in Iowa.
The paste gooped all over onto the stove, mind you our prepasted paper paste was not good so we reinforced with actual wallpaper paste as well, so we had twice the mess, and it apparently didn't get cleaned up well on the burners. So, I'm starting dinner that night and had 3 of 4 burners on for spaghetti and under the big water pot I can smell something and I look under there and there is a mini bonfire. This happened with the other burners too. And its an electric stove! Needless to say the burner cover things are toast. It was a bit traumatic. Like I told grandma, you freak and you think, what did I learn that I am not supposed to put on this kind of fire, water or flour or what?? Was I actually ever taught how to put out a wallpaper paste fire? And Ryan wasn't home from work yet and when he came home he laughed about it.
How did you find out wallpaper paste is flammable?
We are done with the wallpaper in the kitchen. And I am here to tell you we will NEVER wallpaper ourselves again. NEVER. It was NOT fun. But it's up, and it looks nice. We are now putting trim back up. And cleaning, wallpaper paste is messy, and flammable.
Ryan, Amanda, Tristen & Teghan
Happy Easter everyone!
If anyone in Lincoln is near the news sometime tonight and have a blank VCR tape in, watch for the homecoming of the first Iraq war veterans. Last I heard, Mike was due home tonight at 7 or so and the news crews will be there. Not sure which channels, but this is what I know so far.
Brent, Karen and Erika
Happy Easter Everyone!
Happy Easter!

Happy Birthday Webpage! It seems like we've had this webpage longer than 3 years.
As I'm sure you all know, tomorrow is the third anniversary of this webpage. Speaking for the entire webpage staff, I would like to thank you all for your support over the past three years. We would like to request that this year, for your convenience, rather than flowers, candy, or expensive gifts you would instead make a simple cash donation. An envelope full of cash is fine, but you could save on postage by sending a check. A blank check. Happy Webpage Birthday, everyone!
Weather permitting, we will be grilling lamb chops for Easter dinner, Greek salad, roasted potatoes and probably a lemon supreme pie from Baker's Square. It has been SO COLD here, back to coats and the furnace is on! But, it rained all day yesterday and we got 2 inches of rain. Geez Ryan and invited 21 kids to Tristen's party! How brave of you, I'd be terrified that they would all show up.
I agree with you with the mess. As we run into matching troubles or things of that matter Ryan asks, "will that be OK or will it bother you?" I am to the point that I am telling him just to do it however, I don't care anymore, I want my house back!! I can't remember when we tore down our paper, but it was maybe 3 or 4 weeks ago, yuck. We invited 21 because in order to invite kids from her class we had to invite the whole class, and I knew they all wouldn't show up, but that was the headcount for invitations. The most important ones showed up, her closest friends, so that was all that mattered to her. The only thing she was disappointed about was that she was at a party the week before and the little girl got BOATLOADS of gifts and Tristen only got 5 (a few of the 8 at the party were siblings). But she didnt seem to mind too bad. And, had the party been anywhere else we wouldn't have invited that many, but at that place they have coaches who watch the kids and who clean up the mess. Literally all Ryan & I did was set up the table, take (some) pictures and played and passed out cake, it was way too easy. I'm sure had more been there it would have been a bit more challenging. MMM... now I want pie, I would eat chocolate with you!
I am making a lemon pie for Emily and Brent, pumpkin for Erika and maybe a chocolate one for me. Too bad we can't decide on just one we all like. Amanda, the only reason I am working so fast on the kitchen (almost two weeks now -- is that fast?) is because I can't stand the MESS!!! It drives me crazy to have things disorganized. I still have a lot to do. Painted the doors this afternoon. Brent will need to re-hang them this week-end. Then I want to put more wallpaper in the entryway. I am running short of paper so I had to order another roll, so that will slow the process. Glad Tristen got the card and $$. I can't believe you invited 21 kids to her party!! Wow, you will learn, but it wasn't at your house so that helps. Too bad more didn't show up -- was she disappointed? Erika is starting to plan her party. Wants a slumber party with about 7 or 8 girls.
See, I knew you would be done before us Karen. We are almost done. That kitchen is a lot bigger than it looks! It always is right? For the most part it is going well. We have about 6 more pieces to put up, cover some switchplates and the border. Then we have to put all the trim back up, which we painted with fresh coats of white, and I'm glad I already did that, or it probably wouldn't get done now, we would just want it back up, the cabinet trim we left stained. I never want to wallpaper again. Which is not good because I wanted to do the hall someday and our bathroom. Maybe I will get the incentive at a later date. There are a few problems with the paper, one of the concave corners got a bubble, so it doesn't stick straight into the corner, which may pose a problem when we go to border. We will have to think that one through. I can't remember what I got on the citizenship test, I took it, and then sent it to Gary as a cool site, then retook it to see what I got, but then I scored perfectly because I remembered the right answers. I didn't do too well, which isn't too great considering I am in a history class right now. I didn't have class today nor do I tomorrow, and Tristen is off tomorrow and Friday. Ryan doesn't get any time off, but that's OK, since he took Monday off for Tristen's birthday. She had a good birthday, thanks to everyone. Emily, Erika, Karen & Brent sent her 5 $1's and Grandma sent her a dollar in her poodle purse and she was so excited. She has started to earn an allowance and has been saving it, so each time she gets money it just gets her all excited. Her gymnastics party was fun, not too many kids showed up, out of the 21 we invited 8 showed up, but it was fun nonetheless. We think you have to be from this small town or be a teacher with kids in school to have everyone come to your party, or so it seems. For Easter we are hanging out here and finishing up the wallpaper, and cleaning house, this house is YUCK from 2 months of house projects, major neglect, and wallpaper paste EVERYWHERE! I got a spiral ham, mashed potatoes, corn pudding, stuffing and my favorite, strawberry cherry dessert. It'll be nice. Recording the news whenever it is on would be great, Cathy is supposed to do it and bring it to us when they come on the 25th, but just in case that would be great. I hope I hear the right channel and time.
I missed 3.
Amanda, do you want someone to tape the news Saturday? Just think that could have been Ryan flying home. I'm glad you guys moved even if it is stupid TX. And like Tristen keeps telling me, when she's in the third grade, she will be moving back.
Uhhh, Karen, what kind of pie?
I passed the citizenship test, missed three, like Gary one of mine was a stupid mistake. So I guess I can stay in the country. Chilly here today. Had the AC on for the last three days, this morning we needed the furnace. I'm off until next Wednesday. Kids get out early today and are off until Wednesday too. Kitchen is coming along. Wallpaper is up (and torn in two places already #$%^#!). Still need to paint and hang the doors and finish the entryway. So what are everyones plans for Easter, and more importantly the menu.
We are staying home -- having a quiet day. Ham, twiced baked potatoes, glazed baby carrots, and pie.
Hey Lincolnites. I don't have many details yet, but I will keep you informed. As of now, check the Omaha news channels Saturday night, probably the 10:00. Mike Matusik is on his way home (actually already on safer grounds) and the news crew wants to film them coming in Saturday. It'll be 2 Reconnaissance jets coming in, one of them, the one Mike is on, is Ryan's old jet... Thought that was neat. Like I said, anything can change as far as days or times, but I will keep you posted. We obviously won't be able so see it down here, so I thought someone should!
The cool site reminds me of Homer helping Apu pass the citizenship test.
"Just say slavery." :-) I only missed 2, and one of them was a dumb mistake -- I knew better! So is anybody out there a better citizen than me??? --Gary
Today's cool site reminds me, I got a huge bouquet of lilacs from Mom's last night. My two apple trees in the backyard are now covered with white flowers and tulips are blooming. We had a nice shower last night and it's cool today. Ahhh, I love spring.
I put a vase of lilacs right next to my open bedroom window last night, and with the cool breeze coming through the whole place smelled like heaven. The weather-heads all said rain for this afternoon, but it's a clear blue sunny day out there. If there's rain coming, it is still pretty far away.... --Gary
Great pictures. Tristen, it looks like you had a great birthday. I think Teghan had as much fun as you. Be sure to write all about what you did on all of your birthday parties.
Okay, new pictures are up. Sorry for the delay!
Just now received some pictures of Tristen and Teghan (birthday and Wacky Hat Day) from Amanda (thanks!), but won't have time to put them up til tomorrow morning. So check back tomorrow! :-)
I agree with Amanda -- Penny looks pretty grizzly (for a wienie dog) in that picture with Erika. John's sister Donna dresses her dachshund in a leather Harley outfit, people always stop and stare! Our temps got into the 90's yesterday -- really got hot too fast, but today is cooler and we may get some snow tomorrow. Buds are just coming out on the trees and bushes and grass is just starting to turn green. Will we be hearing a report on Tristen's birthday party? We got a DVD player this weekend and have enjoyed that (Curses, a new Sam's Club opened close to us. Two trips and many $$ there on Sat. and Sun.)
I heard we have another chance for snow Thursday.
Amanda, I don't know why my living room looks different. I painted it last year, so the color is a deeper yellow than it used to be. Maybe that's why.
This time last week we were in the middle of a big snowstorm -- today we are heading for record high of 90 -- it just ain't right!!

Happy Birthday, Tristen!!!

Dad, Mom, Teghan, Sasha & Zoe

Happy Birthday Tristen!!
The Hatgidakis Family

Brent and Karen

Happy Birthday Tristen

A BIG Happy Birthday, Tristen!!!
Penny looks like she needs a Harley Davidson leather coat in that picture! She looks baaaddd to the bone. Donna, your cat is BIG! And why does your living room look different??
Emily, Erika and I all had a great time in Lincoln this week-end. Got home last night about 8. Pictures are coming.....
They're here! We all had a great time. Oh hey, you forgot Erika's concert tape -- it was still in the VCR. --Gary
John and Marsha

Zachary, Samantha and Anna

Ryan, Amanda, Tristen & Teghan

Happy Birthday Grandma!!!
Well, we got the kitchen walls sized so we are a step closer to wallpapering!

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Happy Birthday Grandma! Hope to see you soon.
Brent and Karen

Happy Birthday Mom
We just got the all clear at 2:50 so it is now safe to breathe outside. Woohoo! I was really worried I wouldn't be able to jog tonight. What a relief.
That last comment reminds me--someone told me that Bob Kerry spoke out about Bush a few days ago. He said something similliar--once we get Saddam out, we need to get rid of Bush. They're saying the comment ruined his chances of ever getting elected president. But I wonder if it was really Bob and not the other Kerrey.
It was the other Kerry (John). Bob Kerrey (different spelling) is already on record that he's not going to run, period. Too bad, because I think he would have a shot. (I hope Kerrey is just playing the low-profile game and will ultimately run.) I don't know if that remark hurt Kerry's chances -- we're still 18(?) months away from the election, and what he said wasn't that bad. ...Unless you're not an American but a Republican, where criticism = treason. Just remember (as I remind myself every day, with crossed fingers), in 1991 Dub's daddy had the highest approval ratings ever recorded, and nobody had even heard of Bill Clinton.... --Gary
(Donna, your note below arrived just as I was writing this.)
Note to all Lincolnites: If your eyes are watering today (as mine are), I just found out the reason. There was (is?) an oil fire in Oklahoma that is putting sulfur oxide and other toxins in the air, and atmospheric conditions are keeping it close to the ground and shooting it straight up here. The County Health Department is urging that people not exercise or work outdoors today if they can help it, in order not to breathe the stuff into their lungs.
In other news, I just wanted to say that as the fighting around Baghdad winds down, let us not forget that there is still much to be done: We have to get rid of the evil Republican Guard and end the regime of this immoral and self-appointed leader. ...And I ain't talking about Iraq! :-)
There's a funny smell here today--although I hardly notice it--and it's hazy. Someone here just heard on the radio that there was a fire on a farm/oil well in Oklahoma yesterday and that the smoke is spreading.
That seems hard to believe. So Amanda, have you heard anything about it down there?
Our snow is almost all gone. Just a few piles here and there. Still kind of chilly though. Wallpaper is slowing down now that I am back to school. Have to do lots of painting before it can go up. Now it just looks gross!! Emily, Erika and I are planning to come to Lincoln on Friday night -- stay until Saturday. See you then :)
Sounds great! What snow we had is disappearing fast too. Yesterday it was melting so fast that it sounded like it was raining outside, from the melting snow pouring down the gutters. --Gary
Amanda, if only you still lived here, I'd be over there tonight getting that wallpaper up.
I hope Teghan is feeling better today. That sounds pretty miserable.
Olivia was quoting Tommy Boy and Ralph Wiggums last week. It makes me smile everytime I think of the way she said "brothers gotta hug" and Ralph's quote, "why do people run from me?" Olivia you are a goofy girl.
Tristen, I wish I could be there for your birthday party. The trampolines sound fun. Make sure you write and tell us all about it. Okay?
Donna, you can certainly wallpaper for me!! I bet Karen beats me and she took down her old stuff after me! I can't believe the snow you guys got! I wish I had it, but just for a day or so, none of the cold weather, slush, dirty car, ice that goes with it. Teghan is still pretty miserable, but I managed to feel in her mouth last night and I feel 4 molars that broke the surface. 4 all at once, poor kid, poor me! The gymnastics sport center is a very cool place in town, during the week they do classes then rent it out for hour and a half increments during the weekend for parties. They have everything a gymnastics place would have, rings, bars, uneven bars, balance beam, tons of mats, and the most popular, 3 huge, built into the ground trampolines. No worrying about somebody popping off the side. They have teachers there to watch and help the kids. She can't wait. Friday is wacky hat day, and we made her wacky hat last night, so we will send in a picture.
Erika, you are really something to have your work in a museum! Way to go! We didn't get any snow...I am sure glad we got out ahead of the storm. Our trip to Lincoln was really great. Is Teghan feeling any better? Hey Livi, always remember, Brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug!
Everybody is wallpapering! I wish I had something to wallpaper.
Erika, I love your haircut.
New Sioux City project!
Wow, we got hit hard with the snow! Ended up with over 9 inches in the city. Kids had a two hour late start, but I let them stay home all day. Since we were off for the day we all started to pull the old wallpaper off the kitchen, painting today......
How is Teghan doing today? Poor kid. What is Tristen doing at her party at the sports center? I haven't heard of a party like that before, bet she will have a blast! Amanda -- let her open her box now!! How mean can you be :)
Dang, wish we could see the snow, but the Sioux City webcam has been down for days. Hope they get it back up soon! --Gary
No tornado warnings here. Nothing serious I guess. Got a little hail, marble sized I guess. Not a bad storm, not enough rain, but some is better than none. Grandma, I'm glad you notice such a big improvement with your eye! Just think, after the other one is done and you have a bigger computer monitor (and the big TV) it'll be too much!! Teghan is not feeling well today, she is getting 3 of her molars, all at once. I gave her tylenol and laid her down when I got home from class at 11:30, and she is still sleeping 4 hours later! She has NEVER slept that long, other than overnight. Tristen got a birthday box today from my mom, she was TOO excited, she can't wait the week to open them. Her party is Saturday night at the Gymnastics Sport Center. And no, we didn't get wallpaper done, we had planned on it, but then they had a block garage sale Saturday and we threw some stuff out to sell, then they had a rabies clinic here in town by the FFA with the "town" vet administering shots, Sasha needed them, so we gave her a MUCH needed bath and took her on down. Then mowed before the rain hit. So, needless to say, it got put off, again...
Congratulations, Erika !!! What a neat display, and not all of us can ever say we had something displayed in a museum. I'm proud of you. We woke up to a Winter Wonderland this morning, don't know how much snow fell but I'm guessing about 6 inches, it is really wet and heavy and still clinging to everything, can no longer see my daffodils. May be winter's last blast, but who knows? Had a really great week with Marsha, Sam and Anna, glad they beat the snow home. My eye is doing fine and it seems like someone put high powered bulbs in all the lamps however, one to go yet. Amanda, how is the kitchen coming? Did you have tornado warnings in your town, they looked close on the map.
Erika, congratulations! It looks really cool. I hope I get to see it up close and personal.
And hey, thanks for the time check! Uhh, what time is it now?
Congrats Erika! How cool, to have your artwork in a museum! Is it next to a Van Gogh piece? Congrats again!!!

Yippee, finally a snow day for us!! Actually it's a two hour late start, but that will keep me home today. We started to get snow about 2 Sunday afternoon and it just didn't ever stop. We must have at least 6 inches now and more to come today.
Hey, Its 5:00 Donna! ;)
I just heard NBC's David Bloom died in Iraq. He was a great reporter, one of the few I actually liked. I used to watch him when he was stateside on the weekend Today Show. At least it wasnt battle related. Sad, sad.
Wow, I hadn't heard that. What a shame. After reading your note I immediately turned on NBC news, but haven't heard yet how it happened. He was exceptional. ...Ah, just heard now, as I'm typing this: pulmonary embolism. --Gary
Recipe correction made. Sorry no recent updates from Lincoln -- been busy! Yesterday was mostly shopping, after Grandma got back from her eye surgery -- which went very well, as you've all heard by now. That evening we had take-out from Samurai Sam's and later watched "Possession" with Gwyneth Paltrow. Good movie! Today (Thursday) Anna and Sam and I went to the museum in the morning, then in the afternoon yet more shopping. We had planned to fire up the grill in the evening and cook out, but Marsha made a Greek salad that was so good we just ate that and didn't even touch the grill. After that we watched a little TV, and then Anna, Sam, Lindsey, and Olivia went over to Donna's for a sleep-over. Wish you other non-Lincolnites could be here! :-)
Grandma or Gary, make an addition to the cranberry pork chops. In place of fresh or frozen cranberries, which are hard to find sometimes, grandma said you can use canned. I didn't know (until after I talked to her), and had to scrap my plan of trying them out. Next time, next time...
Time for another quick update: Yesterday there was shopping in the morning, a great lunch at the new "3-in-1" McDonald's (who knew??), more shopping in the afternoon, then cranberry pork chops for dinner, and then several games of Facts-in-Five followed by "About a Boy" on the big screen TV. Busy day!
Olivia, It's so cool that you got another dog! What does Ceasar think of him -- can't wait to see pictures :)
Hey, guess what? Gallup just announced they aren't moving to Omaha after all. Woohoo!
Hey, here's some news! Olivia got a new puppy as a reward for getting such a good report card from school. He's a fox terrier and Olivia is going to name him "Lucky." I hope you don't mind me spoiling the surprise, Livy!
Here's a quick update for y'all who live south and north of here: Lindsey and Olivia came over after school yesterday, and Paul and Lori arrived later for another fine dinner at Mom's. The main activity after that was a game of hide-and-go-seek outside, as it was a beautiful night. Both Donna and I are working half days today, and then we're all going to lunch at the new super-McDonalds out on Hwy 2 that we've all heard so much about. After that, popcorn and movies on the big-screen TV was mentioned, but that may change -- another nice day happening here. Then again, maybe it will be too hot to go outside! :-)
Happy April Fools Day! I hope the is playing a fool on me, I just checked our weather, 86 today, and 88 tomorrow. WHAT!!! Not 90 yet!!!! It's April still!
Same temps up here -- mid 80s. Too early!! --Gary